Bruce Duyshart
Director, Meld Strategies
Digital Publics Symposium.
Bruce Duyshart is a building technology and innovation strategist who has been delivering award-winning technological solutions to the property industry for more than two decades.
As the founder and director of specialist Sydney-based consultancy Meld Strategies, he has an appetite to make a difference – and to help his clients dream big. He works with early adopters to push the frontiers of possibilities in areas such as Smart Building technologies, Fibre to the Premise technology, Energy Monitoring, Wayfinding, and Software and Building Automation solutions.
Bruce is a pioneer in his field. He draws on a uniquely powerful blend of skills gleaned from years of experience at leading global property and infrastructure company Lend Lease. These area capabilities include architecture, planning, design, property development, IT and building technologies.
Put simply, Bruce understands the language of design, user experience and aesthetics as well as the complex world of technology and IT. With this big-picture approach, he continually contributes to the creation of groundbreaking property projects that retain long-term market value and offer a point of difference.
Widely regarded for his personable style and engaging insights, Bruce is a strategic thinker who has turned his passion for helping people to “connect the dots between people, places and technology” into an all-encompassing service.
He works effortlessly with a huge range of stakeholders (from project development managers to design professionals) to influence, motivate and inspire breakthrough concepts.
Bruce is also a published author and experienced speaker on a range of technology subjects.